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and your name?
nicknames: latexguy, fetishgoth, evil, freak, hey you, pervert
and your nicknames?
website address: http://www.gayfetishgoth.com
and where is your website?
image URL:


and where is your picture?
eMail address: g a y f e t i s h g o t h @ g a y f e t i s h g o t h . c o m
and your email address?
gender: male
and your gender?
are you transgendered? no
are you transgendered? yes------------- no
are you transsexual? no
are you transsexual? yes ------------- no
what is your date of birth? 23 June, 19 something.
what is your date of birth?
what is your astrological sign? parking odd days only after 18:00 (Cancer)
what is your astrological sign?
what is your ethnicity? caucasian european/slavic
what is your ethnicity?
what is your heritage? mixed european and slavic heritages
what is your heritage?
what colour are your eyes? blue
what colour are your eyes?
what colour is your hair? light brown, with some blond streaks...it has a reddish tint in some lights. (if i were a cat, i'd be a calico.)
what colour is your hair?
how long is your hair? it used to be about 46cm, or to the centre of my back, but is now just around 9cm long.
how long is your hair?
what is your hair style? it just sort of sits there, brushed back.
what is your hair style?
what is your height? 184 cm, (which is around 5' 11" )
what is your height?
what is your weight? 81 kilos / 13 stone / 170 lbs.
what is your weight?
do you smoke? not anymore
do you smoke? yes------------- no
what do you smoke? i quit, but if I smell someone smoking a clove, I really want one.
what do you smoke?
have you any facial hair? only if i haven't shaved for a couple of days..., which unto itself is an extremely rare occurence.
have you any facial hair?
have you any body hair? i tend to shave my chest, depending on how much i care. if not, i have some chest hair, arm hair, leg hair.
have you any body hair?
do you wear contact lenses or glasses? i wear contact lenses (non-coloured)
do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
are you pierced? yes
are you pierced? yes ------------- no
if yes, how many and where? 2 in the right ear, 2 in the left, and 1 in the left cartilage, 1 in the right nipple. I have taken out my tongue ring, though because of my job, most of them are taken out during the day.
if yes, how many and where?
do you have any tattoos? no
do you have any tattoos? yes------------- no
describe your tattoos: i haven't decided on anything yet...
describe your tattoos:


describe yourself in 50 words or less:

what a crappy question. how do you answer this without sounding egotistical? i am a patient person, a quiet person until you get to know me (or vice versa), a homebody (i'd rather spend a friday night at home with a loved one than go out), a bitch, i like my personal space, but get upset if my loved one is too far away. i'm fairly intelligent, and just generally bitter. (80 words, oh well)

describe yourself in 50 words or less:

what is your favourite colour? black (and, for those of you who argue that black is actually the lack of colour, than purple is second.)
what is your favourite colour?
when you think of yourself, what colour do you think of? a deep purple (#4F004F, depending on your monitor)
when you think of yourself, what colour do you think of?
name a flower which represents you: okay, so it's a cliché, but I say a red rose. Think about it, a think of beauty, petals of silk, surrounded by violent thorns, and coarse, jagged leaves (rose plants strive with abuse and pruning--like me, who functions best in the worst circumstances.)...
name a flower which represents you:
name an animal which represents you: I'm not sure about this, but I've been told «wolf» fits.
name an animal which represents you:
name a stone or mineral which represents you: lapis lazuli
name a stone or mineral which represents you:
name a metal which represents you: silver
name a metal which represents you:
choose a style of lighting to represent you: candlelight
choose a style of lighting to represent you:
name a fabric which fits you best: black latex
name a fabric which fits you best:
which element fits you best? water
which element fits you best?
what is your goal in life? to be happy, in love, and financially stable... to know that I have made a difference in the universal scheme of things.
what is your goal in life?
what is your biggest fear? growing old alone. i am not afraid of death; quite the opposite. i am afraid of living longer than i have the capacity to be self-reliant, and am afraid of living past my usefulness. i am afraid of seeing the years pass me by with no one at my side.
what is your biggest fear?
What is your biggest love (not a person)? warm, breezy summer nights..just before a thunderstorm.
What is your biggest love (not a person)?
What is your biggest hate (not a person)? «professional» wrestling and organized religion, not necessarily in that order.
What is your biggest hate (not a person)?
what is your most prized object? a pentacle necklace i've had for many years... , given to me by my now deceased best friend, which is now in the care of Jeff. Take care of that, please.
what is your most prized object?
what object or image is most symbolic to you? a single white rose and a single red rose, bound by a black leather cord.
what object or image is most symbolic to you?


what is your relationship status?

status: quo.

what is your relationship status?

what is your sexual preference? i be queer. (homosexual)
what is your sexual preference?
what is your sexual role? depends on my mood... i can be switchable, but lean towards dominance. (about 75/25.)
what is your sexual role?
Describe your ideal
r's appearance:
this is difficult to answer, because I don't have an ideal partner, persay. I have always been attracted to androgynous guys, and I have always been attracted to long hair, bit they are certainly not requirements... attraction to me is more psychological than physical... how i meld with someone, their personality, their intelligence, passion, soulfullness has just as much to do it with as the physical... and so defining an ideal partner is difficult, because even if they look gorgeous, and i don't meld well with them, I will be unattracted to them. Unlike most guys, I have to ignore my brain to use my penis. For most guys, it's the other way around... But, if I were to leave the psychological behind, and go based solely on physical appearance, my ideal partner would be androgynous, have piercing eyes, sexy, kissable lips, would be waifish, or lightly muscular, would have to have earrings (guys always look sexier with silver hoops) and for post-sexual enjoyment, a nice chest. when i grow up, i want to date a rock star. i know it sounds like a bad line, but it's true. i am attracted to guys who look like rock stars. not necessarily the stereotypical rockstar, (longhair, open front shirt with abs exposed, and vinyl trousers; although that would certainly be nice...) but anyone who has the image of a rock star. it's the attitude one's image portrays... ; the difference from the norm. The opposite of the cookie-cutter, baseball cap wearing masses. ( i don't want to date someone with a rockstar's attitude, persay, just the look.) most gothbois are very attractive to me as well...
Describe your ideal partner's appearance:
whom are you comfortable talking about sex with? just about anyone, really... i'm dr. ruth trapped in a young gay man's body. (ooh, now that's a creepy thought.)
whom are you comfortable talking about sex with?

(if you like divulging information about your sexuality, be sure to also visit the fetish page.)

Mundane Life

what do you do for a living?

i work in business consulting and process improvement...

what do you do for a living?

where were you born? well, my mother's vagina, I imagine.
where were you born?
where were you raised? New York, NY USA & Vauxhall, London UK
where were you raised?
where do you live now? New York, NY USA
where do you live now?
describe your living arrangements: I own a brownstone in the theatre district
describe your living arrangements:
what school did you attend? Attended at New York, and H.R.M. Academy... I have a bachelor's in theatre performance, a bachelor's in theatre and cinematic makeup design, i have a bachelor's in pyrotechnics, and a bachelor's in business management.
what school did you/are you attend(ing)?
-------- still attending
what did you/are you study(ing)?
what is your favourite song? One Caress by Depeche Mode
what is your favourite song?
what book are you reading right now? The Terry Preatchet "Discworld" series
what book are you reading right now?
what is on your mousepad? i have a laptop--no mousepad.
what is on your mousepad?
what are your hobbies? building useless websites like this one, reading, writing, hiking, rollerblading, long drives to nowhere, staring at this box... generally avoiding the public.
what are your hobbies?
what is your toothpaste of choice? Mentadent™ cool mint
what is your toothpase of choice?
what cologne do you wear? polo double black, ckb, or patchouli oil
what cologne do you wear?
what colour are your sheets? black egyptian cotton
what colour are your sheets?
what colour is your bedroom? white walls, my furniture is either black wrought iron, or 'rusticated' oak.
what colour is your bedroom?
what is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? how many times I can hit the snooze button and not be late.
what is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
what is your favourite holiday? all hallow's eve / Halloween
what is your favourite holiday?
how many rings before you answer the phone? 2 - 4, if I answer it at all...
how many rings before you answer the phone?
if you could have only one gift for your birthday, what would it be? some cool, funky clothing, some fetish clothing or toys, or a new computer (my birthday is 23 June if you want to send me sumphin').
if you could have only one gift for your birthday, what would it be?
what is your favourite food? paneer shahi korma. (indian vegetarian dish)
what is your favourite food?
what is your favourite day of the week? saturday... I get to sleep in...
what is your favourite day of the week?
what is your favourite type of ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip (preferably not the green kind)
what is your favourite type of ice cream?
chocolate or vanilla? vanilla. i don't like the chocolate flavour of ice cream--i prefer the real thing
chocolate or vanilla?
is the glass half empty or half full? the glass contains 50% of it's total capacity. (who drank half of my drink?!)
is the glass half empty or half full?
are you right handed or left handed? ambidextrous, but tendency to use the right.
are you right handed or left handed?
what is your driving habit? i tend to speed.
what is your driving habit?
how do you feel about thunderstorms? i love them.
how do you feel about thunderstorms? enoyable-------- frightening -------- indifferent
what is your favourite alcoholic drink? diet lime coke with coconut rum
what is your favourite alcoholic drink?
what is your favourite nonalcoholic drink? tea
what is your favourite nonalcoholic drink?
if you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? Leonardo DaVinci
if you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
what is your favourite smell? ckB (cologne), or; if you want to be kinky about it; a combination of cologne, sweat, and latex.
what is your favourite smell?
what is your favourite sound? thunderstorms... or a kitten purring.
what is your favourite sound?
boxers or briefs? boxer briefs
boxers or briefs?
who is your favourite person to get emails from? people i don't know, or haven't heard from in a long time.
who is your favourite person to get emails from?
what store should your credit card not be brought to? any electronic store, bookstore, fetish store, or music store. Fetish Factory in Fort Lauderdale, FL is the worst, since I want everything in there!
what store should your credit card not be brought to?
what is your favourite magazine? what's a 'magazine'??
what is your favourite magazine?
what thing annoys you most? people with no consideration for others
what thing annoys you most?
what subject annoys you most? religion, politics, and professional wrestling (all about the same mentality)
what subject annoys you most?
who is your best friend? nick
who is your best friend?
who is the sexiest person alive? Gackt
who is the sexiest person alive?
Make some comments about yourself: i'm at that stage where i am too old to be childish, and too young to be old and frumpy.... i feel that life is what you make of it, but one should always be aware of those around you. i think someone should throw some chlorine in the gene pool... little things make me happy, like email from strangers, and strangers with candy. games are only fun when people get hurt (especially when children are involved--i hate kids.) all in all, i think this page should give a pretty good idea of who i am, and how i think. if there's something else you want to know, email me.
Make some comments about yourself:
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